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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Memorial Day Reminder For Lombard Real Estate Property Compensation, Restitution, and Payment for Mrs. Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler - gardeniahung's blog

Memorial Day Reminder For Lombard Real Estate Property Compensation, Restitution, and Payment for Mrs. Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler - gardeniahung's blog

Greetings on Memorial Day in remembrance of the military  veterans and the families who have served with the military in service. My name is Mrs. Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler, who has been married to former U.S. Navy PC-3 Nathan Scott Wittler (Patriquin) who served aboard the USS Platte in Norfolk, Virginia USA. My father, Mr. Roberto Hung Juris Doctor, was a friend and family member of the U.S. military.

Mrs. Gardenia Hung-Wittler, Daughter of Mr. Roberto Hung Juris Doctor is Requesting Payment, Compensation, and Restitution of Lombard Real Estate Property at 502 South Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard in District 5, York Township, Du Page County, Illinois USA. The Lombard Real Estate Property at 502 S. Westmore Avenue and Washington Blvd. in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, is still registered as York Township Parcel No. 06-09-315-038, which was under a Deed Trust for the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Health Care. This Lombard Historic Brick Bungalow was built in 1927 as a residential family home, lot size at 60 ft. X 144 ft., for a total square feet of 8,640.00. The estimated market value was $272.850 in 2012. The Lombard Real Estate was sold by ReMax Achiever Realtor Kathy Volpe to Manco Home Builders in 2011, 2012, 2013. Then you have solde the same Lombard Real Estate Property as J.W. Reedy Realtor, keeping the real estate proceeds without compensating nor paying the Daughter of Mr. Roberto Hung who has been the Lombard resident homeowner in Du Page County, Illinois, USA.

The Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung Supplemental Health Care Trust was filed in the 18th Judicial Circuit Court of the County of Du Page, 505 North County Farm Road, Wheaton, in the State of Illinois, United States of America.

The Daughter of Mr. Roberto Hung has not received any Lombard real estate property payment, compensation nor any restitution for the Lombard criminal disaster roofing water damages and losses at 502 South Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, in the Village of Lombard, Du Page County, Illinois USA.

I, Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler, do hereby request Lombard Real Estate Payment, Compensation, and Restitution for Lombard Criminal Disaster Roofing Water Damages and Losses to my Lombard Home and Business for Communications, Languages & Culture Inc. <Photos Taken by Gardenia C. Hung 025.jpg>

502 South Westmore-Meyers Road and Washington Boulevard, Lombard, Illinois 60148-3028

Please reply and contact Mrs. Gardenia C. Hung-Wittler  or by return mail at POB 1274, Lombard, Illinois 60148-8274 USA

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Lombard Funeral at Brust Funeral Home and St. Pius X Catholic Church in the Diocese of Joliet | GHung's Blog

A Lombard Funeral at Brust Funeral Home and St. Pius X Catholic Church in the Diocese of Joliet | GHung's Blog

On the day Roberto Hung was abused and throttled by Respiratory Therapist Ben Aguilar at Vencor Northlake Hospital, June 18, 1998, I called St. John Bosco Church at Northlake to see what happened to my Father as a patient. Afterwards, I drove back to Brust Funeral Home on Main Street in Lombard to arrange for the Autopsy by Shaku Teas M.D., forensic pathologist contracted by John Brust in Lombard, Illinois.

Brust Funeral Home’s manager J. Foreman began to plan Roberto Hung’s Visitation and Funeral Mass at St. Pius X Catholic Church on June 25, 1998–one week after Respiratory Therapist Ben Aguilar had murdered the patient Roberto Hung by shattering the tracheostomy and puncturing his heart early in the morning, around 7:00 a.m. at Vencor Northlake Hospital.

When I returned back to our Lombard home in District 5, I called St. Pius X Catholic Church, one block away to talk to Sister Pauline Schultz, the Franciscan nun who arranges the Funeral Mass for the parishioners in the Diocese of Joliet, Illinois USA. Soprano Jean Ceithaml sang the Ave Maria. The funeral flower arrangements were ordered from Blossoms and left at St. Pius X. In addition, I paid in cash $500 by check to St. Pius X for the Funeral Mass Services on June 25, 2012.

On Roberto Hung’s Funeral Day, very few people from the Village of Lombard attended. No one from the Lombard Town Hall nor the Lombard Police or Fire Department sent any sympathy cards or donations nor any monetary contributions for me or my family as Lombard resident homeowners in bereavement and loss of a family member. None from DuPage County government mailed any sympathy card either for Roberto Hung’s funeral day at St. Pius X Catholic Church in the Village of Lombard, after the Lombard resident homeowner and taxpayer spent all of his Illinois retirement income and funds in DuPage County, York Township, District 5.

Copyright ©2014.  GHung's Blog.  All Rights Reserved. 

Communications, Languages & Culture, Inc. Consulting Media Arts Communications

Monday, June 23, 2014

BBC News - The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh due in NI for three-day visit

BBC News - The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh due in NI for three-day visit

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh
are due to arrive in Northern Ireland later on Monday for a three-day visit.

The Royal couple will attend a series of public engagements from 23 to 25

They will take a tour of Crumlin Road Gaol in Belfast and visit the set of
the TV series Game of Thrones in the Titanic Quarter.

It will be the Queen's first visit since 2012, when she came as part of her
Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

During that visit, the Queen and Martin McGuinness, Northern Ireland's deputy
first minister and a former IRA leader, shook hands for
the first time.

In April, Mr
McGuinness toasted the Queen
during a banquet at Windsor Castle as part of
the state visit of Irish president Michael D Higgins.

Mr McGuinness confirmed that
will meet Her Majesty again during her visit to Northern Ireland.

The Royal couple will stay at Hillsborough Castle during their visit and will
meet with Secretary of State Theresa Villiers and First Minister Peter Robinson
and Mr McGuinness at the castle in their first engagement.

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will also attend a Royal British Legion
reception in Coleraine, County Londonderry, and a lunch at Belfast City Hall.

It will be their 21st visit to Northern Ireland.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

BBC News - Elderly couple woken by burglars in Newry

BBC News - Elderly couple woken by burglars in Newry

An elderly couple have been left shaken after being woken
by two burglars in the bedroom of their Newry home on Saturday night.

The couple were disturbed by a noise in the house on Newtown Road, before
their bedroom door was forced open and two men entered the bedroom.

One of them was carrying an iron bar and the other a torch.

They demanded money from the couple before leaving with a handbag containing

One of the men is described as being about 25 to 30 years old, about 5ft 8ins
tall, slim, with fair hair cut short. He spoke with a Newry accent.

The second man was slightly smaller and of heavier build, with fair hair and
a fair complexion.

Police have appealed for information.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

June 10, 2005: Before Lombard Criminal Roofing Disaster at the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family in DuPage County, Illinois on Vimeo

June 10, 2005: Before Lombard Criminal Roofing Disaster at the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family in DuPage County, Illinois on Vimeo

June 10, 2005: Before Lombard Criminal Roofing Disaster at the Estate of Mr. Roberto Hung and Family in DuPage County, Illinois from G. Hung Fong on Vimeo.

The Hung Fam­i­ly pur­chased the Lom­bard Brick Bun­ga­low at 502 S. West­more-​Mey­ers Road and Wash­ing­ton Boule­vard in the name of Mr. Rober­to Hung, dur­ing Septem­ber 2, 1993 in the Vil­lage of Lom­bard, Du­Page Coun­ty, Illi­nois. Mr. Rober­to Hung and Fam­i­ly im­proved the Lom­bard His­toric Brick Bun­ga­low as home­own­ers dur­ing the years of res­i­dence in Du­Page Coun­ty, Illi­nois, be­fore the crim­i­nal roof­ing dis­as­ter, all the dam­ages and loss­es ar­ranged by the Vil­lage of Lom­bard Po­lice and Fire De­part­ment dur­ing the week of June 18, 2005 and through the years un­til Novem­ber 5, 2008 in Du­Page Coun­ty, Illi­nois.

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Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois, United States
Lombard resident homeowner in DuPage County, Illinois USA